True: Dante Alighieri is considered the Father of the Italian language because he was the first one to write it.  , Italian came from Latin. , Latin was spoken by the Ancient Romans, At the end of the Middle Ages, there were two languages in Italy: one for writing and another for speaking. , Dante wrote The Divine Comedy., Dante's much-loved works were read throughout Italy. , Dante's written dialect, the variety of Italian spoken in Florence became the "standard" that others could all understand., Boccaccio wrote the Decameron. , The Decameron is a collection of 100 short stories. , The Divine Comedy is an epic poem in three sections. , Italian is a romance language. , Dante's guide through Hell is Virgil. , The Decameron takes place during the Bubonic Plague.  , False: Giovanni Boccaccio is considered the Father of the Italian Language., Greek is a romance language., Chinese is a romance language. , Latin evolved into English., At the end of the Middle Ages, everyone hated Latin and was ready to learn to write in Italian. , Dante wrote Diary of a Wimpy Kid., Dante's written dialect, the variety of Italian spoken in Rome became the "standard" that others could all understand., Boccaccio wrote the Divine Comedy. , The Divine Comedy is a collection of 100 short stories., The Decameron is an epic poem in three sections. , Dante's guide through hell is Beatrice. , The Decameron takes place during the Corona Virus.,





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