bottle - la botella, condiments - los condimentos, cup - la taza, dish - el plato, fork - el tenedor, glass - el vaso, to do - hacer, to bring - traer, to go out/leave - salir, to know someone - conocer, to see - ver, knife - el cuchillo, napkin - la servilleta, pepper - la pimienta, salt - la sal, server - el mesero, spoon - la cuchara, menu - la carta, sugar - el azúcar, table - la mesa, tablecloth - el mantel, I do/make - hago, he/she does/makes - hace, we do - hacemos, you do/make - haces, I see - veo, you (informal) see - ves, she sees - ve, they see - ven, we see - vemos, I go out - salgo, you (formal) go out - sale, (you informal) go out - sales, she goes out - sale, we go out - salimos, they go out - salen, I bring - traigo, you (informal) bring - traes, he brings - trae, we bring - traemos, you all bring - traen, I know... - conozco, You (formal) know... - conoce, she knows... - conoce, we know... - conocemos, they know - conocen, you formal know... - conoce,


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