slapdash - He gets his work done quickly, but he's very ................ . There are always some mistakes in his reports., self-assured - She is too ......................... ; everybody says she is very confident about her skills and abilities., pompous - My boss is a ................. ass who pretends he knows everything. Many say that he is arrogant and vain., conceited - I don't liek teaching .................... young girls. They are too arrogant, and they tend to comment everything., strain - He put a great ............... on our relationship when he admitted cheating on me with his personal assistant. It was a heavy burden., unrequited - A: Have you ever suffered from ................... love? B: Yes, my friend didn't love me back; he was gay., courting - My grandpa was ........................... a girl from a neghbourhood farm; and they eventually got married.,





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