LAURA: Gina! Is everything all right? I tried to call you a ____ times! I was beggining to get a little ____, you know? GINA: Don't be so melodramatic! I'm fine! I ____ at home most of the time! LAURA: ____ you at home ____ Friday night? GINA: Yes, I was. But I was ____ tired and my phone was probably off. LAURA: ____ were you on ____? GINA: I ____ at the supermarket in the ____. I was ____, there were a lot of bags to carry. It was ____ to talk on the phone. LAURA: I tried to call you again in the ____... GINA: In the evening, I ____ at Kathy's. My phone ____ was dead. I was really ____, you can't imagine! All her friends ____ there, and you know how much I ____ them. LAURA: And where ____ you two hours ____? Seriously, I don't even know why you have a ____ phone! GINA: ____? Oh my, I ____ on the underground, there was no signal. I'm really ____.





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