cover - to put a layer on a surface, establish - to create smth to last a long time, public - where people can go about freely, inhabitant - people or animals that live in a place, divide - to separate, upper - the top part, lower - the bottom part, connect - to join, sight - a place interesting to tourists, shade - a different forms of a colour, depend - sth that varies in different circumstances, content - things located inside of smth, angle - the direction from whih sb looks at sth, reason - an explanation to why sth has happened, world-renowned - well-known around the world, dam - a wll built to hold a large amount of water, algea - plant which grows in water, rare - not common, endangered - in a situation where sth or sb may be harmed, dozen - twelve, protect - to prevent sth or sb may being harmed, species - a class of plants or animals, orchid - unusually shaped flower,





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