1) What is the biggest Ocean in the world? a) Atlantic Ocean b) Pacific Ocean c) Indic Ocean 2) What is the Capital of Australia? a) Melbourne b) Canberra c) Sidney 3) What is the Capital of Nicaragua? a) Santiago b) Tegucigalpa c) Managua 4) Which is the smallest Nation in the world? a) Andorra b) Monaco c) El Vaticano 5) When the Second World War ended? a) 1945 b) 1947 c) 1943 6) Who is the father of psychoanalysis? a) Sigmund Freud b) Carl Gustav jung c) Skinner 7) Who is the general of the nazis in the second world war? a) Benito mussolini b) Adolf Hitler c) Heinrich Himmler 8) Which is the first man to go to the moon? a) Louis Armstrong b) Michael Armstrong c) Neil Armstrong 9) Who wrote the odyssey? a) Homero b) Virgilio c) Cervantes 10) What is called seventh art? a) Painting b) Sculpture c) Movie Theater 11) Who is called the King of Rock and Roll in The United States? a) Bruce Springsteen b) Michael Jackson c) Elvis Presley 12) What is the chemical symbol for gold? a) Or b) Au c) Ao 13) Where in the body insulin is produced? a) Liver b) Lungs c) Páncreas 14) What is the only mammal that can fly? a) Bats b) Ostrich c) Eagle 15) How many hearts do Octopuses have? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3







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