chamar-se - to call oneself, sentir-se - to feel, levantar-se - to get up, vestir-se - to get dressed, pentear-se - to comb one´s hair, ir-se (embora) - to go away/leave, sentar-se - to sit down, demorar-se - to delay, magaoar-se - to hurt oneself, reunir-se - to meet, divertir-se - to have fun, deitar-se - to go to bed/lay down, queixar-se (de) - to complain (about), lembrar-se (de) - to remember, esquecer-se (de) - to forget, casar-se (com) - to get married (to), despedir-se - to say goodbye, barbear-se - to shave (the beard), depilar-se - to shave (the legs), despir-se - to undress,





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