What would you do if you saw someone drowning?, What would you do if you got a present, but you didn’t like it?, What would you do if you found a wallet in the underground?, What would you do if you got a bad grade at school?, What would you do if you had a toothache?, What would you do if you couldn’t find your way?, What would you do if you had a test and you weren’t prepared?, What would you do if you saw a burglar coming out of your neighbor’s house?, What would you do if your house were on fire?, What would you do if there were a spider on your hamburger?, What would you do if you didn’t know how to do your homework?, What would you do if you were on holidays and it were raining all the time?, What would you do if your friend offered your chocolates, but you were on a diet? What would you do if your mom were sick and there were nothing to eat at home?  What would you do if your friend offered your chocolates, but you were on a diet?, What would you do if you had a party, but you didn’t have nice clothes?, What would you do if you broke your friend’s favorite toy?, What would you do if you were washing your hair and suddenly there wasn’t any water?, What would you do if there was a frog in your bedroom?, What would you do if you can’t sleep because the neighbor’s dog is barking all the time?, What would you do if you went camping and the water over flooded your tent?, What would you do if you got a Nobel price?, What would you do if you saw a classmate stealing?, What would you do if somebody offered you something to eat you didn’t like at all?, What would you do if there were a snake in your kitchen?, What would you do if you overslept and you had an important job interview?, What would you do if you were at the zoo and a dangerous animal had escaped?, What would you do if you wanted to heat your meal, but the micro wave were dirty?, What would you do if your friend hurt his knee?, What would you do if you had the measles?, What would you do if you found the skeleton of a dinosaur?, What would you do if your mom were sick and there were nothing to eat at home?,

2B U15 - What would you do if.....



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