Mary Seacole: She was born in Jamaica, Her mother made medicine to help the sick., Her father was a soldier., Her mother had a hotel for English soldiers., She wanted to be a nurse and she learned how from her mum., She went to Russia to help but nobody wanted her to help., People said she was an excellent nurse., She took a letter to England saying she was a nurse., They didn't want her because she had brown skin., She spent all of her own money to make a hospital., Nobody remembered her name for 100 years., She wrote a book about her adventure., Florence Nightingale: She was born in Italy., She started to help poor people with her mother. Her mother only helped them to look important., Her sister Parthe wanted to get married., Her family were very, very rich., She went to Germany to learn to be a nurse., The English government sent her to Russia to work in a hospital., She carried a lamp with her and was kind to the solders., She taught nurses to clean hospitals and care for the sick., She worked so hard that she made herself sick., She got money from rich people to help the sick soldiers., She got a medal from Queen Victoria and was very famous., She always wanted to be a nurse but her family didn't want that., She wrote books about how to be a nurse.,

Mary Seacole or Florence Nightingale - EAL Y2 What do you remember?






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