location of the swimming pool, sauna availability, discounts for students, departure dates, travel time, return ticket price, buying the ticket online, tuition fee, course location, duration of the course, special clothes, evening classes, if it’s a paperback edition, number of illustrations, vegetarian dishes, the price of a book, audio version of the book, duration of the tour, the starting point of a tour, number of bridges you’ll visit, the price for a group of 10, price of kitchen appliances, if one can buy it online, number of functions of a kitchen unit, guarantee period, recipe book to go with the unit, opening hours, kinds of flowers in stock, if they sell pot plants, location of a cafe, types of food served, dancing floor, starting point of a tour, tourist attractions to see, price for one person, group discounts, single rooms, transportation, sport facilities, price for a week for one person.

RNE speaking part 2


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