A principal ingredient in Vata pacifying nasya oils, Used in acid reflux, ulcers & skin problems, Balances Vata type stress, anxiety & promotes sleep, heating, increases Pitta, This partially ripe fruit is one of the 3 ingredients in Triphala, Well-known heart tonic & cardio-protective herb, Churna that balances Pitta, used for hyperacidity & constipation, Churna that balances Vata, best for gas, bloating, & irregular digestion, Churna that balances Kapha, digestive, good for cough & asthma, Used for indecisiveness, lack of creativity, and hoarse voice, Used in constipation, vision problems & skin problems, Medhya Rasayana, a brain tonic & can also be found in Abhyanga oils for painful joints and muscles, Virechana herb, Best single herb Rasayana, The primary action of this herb is scraping, best single herb to remove ama, Removes malas from the dhatus, and cleanses dhatus. Anti-aging agent., Herb knows as the universal medicine, Used in cough, cold, & Kapha-predominant respiratory conditions (e.g., asthma)., Preparations used to correct specific imbalances, Preparations used to kindle the digestive fire.





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