1) A:Do you have any plans for next weekend? B:Yes, I _______________________ to the mountains with some friends. a) will to go b) am going c) go d) am going to stay 2) I’ve worked in this company _____________________ 2 years. a) during b) for c) since d) on 3) I ________________________________ you project before the end of term. a) would like you to hand in b) want you hand in c) would like that you hand in d) would like you hand in 4) ___________________ a lot of mistakes in the exam? a) Made you b) Were you making c) Did you make d) Did you made 5) Rome isn’t ____________________ London. a) as big as b) as big than c) more bigger than d) so big that 6) There was a lot of traffic, but I ______________ get to school on time. a) managed with b) could c) was able to d) could to 7) You are not __________________________________ in the classroom. a) permit to smoke b) forbidden to smoking c) allow to smoke d) allowed to smoke 8) When you were at school ___________________________ a lot of homework? a) had you to do b) did you had to do c) must you do d) did you have to do 9) A. Would you like a coffee? B: No thanks. I've ________ had two this morning. a) already b) yet c) still d) ever 10) Have you ______ been to Rome? a) never b) ever c) since 11) We've ___________ eachother for many years.  a) met b) been knowing c) known d) been met 12) Lucia is the ________ pupil in the class. a) better b) most good c) more intelligent d) best 13) Andy is the ________ player on the team. a) baddest b) worst c) better d) most bad 14) I ________ along the motorway when it started to rain. a) drove b) was driving c) did drive d) was drive 15) When set off late so when we got to the stadium the match _____________. a) was already start b) has already start c) had already started d) already was started 16) My dad ________ in a bank but now he has his own start up. a) was used to work b) usually did work c) use to worked d) used to work 17) Anna _______ be rich because she drive a new sports car. a) should b) ought to c) mustn't d) must 18) I'm not going to the beach ______ the weather is better tomorrow. a) if b) unless c) because d) due to 19) I would buy a new house if I _______ the lottery. a) win b) was won c) did win d) won 20) Alvaro is very good at ________. a) skiing b) ski c) skied d) sky

B1 grammar revision






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