1) Mrs Brown ... dance very ell when she was younger. a) could b) can c) must d) was able to e) is able to f) will be able to 2) We tried to open the door and ... do it at last. a) could b) can c) must d) were able to e) are able to f) will be able to 3) She ... make lunch in ten minutes and we didn't go hungry. a) was able to b) is able to c) will be able to d) could e) can f) must 4) Jeff is a very good chess player, he ... win any game. a) can b) could c) must d) was able to e) is able to f) will be able to 5) Soon I ... drive a car. a) can b) could c) must d) am able to e) was able to f) will be able to 6) We didn't know the address, but we ... find the hotel. a) can b) could c) must d) are able to e) were able to f) will be able to 7) That summer was very cold but we ... grow tomatoes in our garden. a) can b) could c) must d) are able to e) were able to f) will be able to

Rainbow 6 Unit 6 Step 1 Modals






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