I love going to Jamaica on holiday - because it's usually hot and sunny., Last night it was raining, - so we took a taxi to the restaurant., I think we need to stop for lunch now, - because I'm really hungry., I want to go shopping now - to buy some new clothes for summer., It was getting late, - so we went to bed., He turned around - because he heard a strange noise., The baby was crying, - so Mary gave her a toy., I used to walk in the forest - to relax when I felt stressed., I'm excited to see Evan tonight - because I haven't seen him for a long time., Every summer I go to Ireland for a month - to stay with my grandparents., We've been to Paris four times - to visit the Louvre and other museums., There is too much pollution in cities - so we should take public transport and drive less.,

Roadmap A2+. 8B - because so to






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