if you drop a fork, - a man will come to visit you, If a bird poops on you, - you will find some money, If you drop a spoon, - a woman will come to visit you, If you break a mirror, - you will have 7 years of bad luck, if 13 people sit on a table, - 1 of them will die, if your ear itches, - someone is talking about you, if your feet itches, - you will go travel, if you see a falling star, - you can make a wish, if you eat an apple everyday, - you will be healthy, If a ladybug lands on you, - you will have good luck, If you open an umbrella inside the house, - it will rain, If you see a black cat, - you will have bad luck, If you put salt at the door of your house, - you will keep the bad spirits away,

Superstitions! First Conditional






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