Hello! I'm Hope Parker and I'm an ____. Do you ____ how astronauts live in ____? How do they ____? How do they ____? How do they ____? Last ____ I was in space. It was ____. This is a photo of the ____ on the space ____. It was ____ and we were ____. Astronauts ____ eat the same food they eat at ____. Look how we eat and ____ in space! This is in the ____ on the space station. You ____ have a ____ in space! Astronauts wash with ____ towels. This is one of the ____. It was ____ o'clock. The astronauts ____ in bed, but they ____ asleep. And the beds weren't on the ____. Look! They were on the ____! This is how astronauts ____ in space. This was the ____ from the space station. The ____ were in the ____. It was ____. I was very ____ in space!

AS 2 Unit 9 pp 112-113 (missing words)






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