1) Football is my favorite sport. a) b) 2) They knew his favorite food was barbeque, so they grilled steaks for him. a) b) 3) They wanted to go to the beach but it was too hot outside, so we went to the movies. a) b) 4) He was so tired for the long day, but he really wanted to watch the game. a) b) 5) My favorite holiday is first of January because of the fireworks. a) b) 6) My house was so dirty after all the guest left, but I was so tired I didn't clean up. a) b) 7) Our vacation plan was to visit Colorado at Christmas. a) b) 8) It was very cloudy all day. a) b) 9) She worked all day on the project that was due on Monday. a) b) 10) The thunderstorm was so loud, so I covered my ears. a) b) 11) I would like to go for a walk, but it started to rain. a) b) 12) I wanted a new video game, but I didn't have enough money to buy it. a) b) 13) Her favorite color is purple. a) b) 14) She made a very yummy cake for her dad's birthday. a) b) 15) I love to cook, and I love to bake. a) b)





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