1) Name the safety feature a) Line crossing b) Zebra crossing 2) Who is he? a) Lollipop man b) Candy man 3) Name the bridge a) Flyover b) Pedestrian bridge 4) This is a.... a) speed hump b) zebra crossing 5) Flashing yellow means.... a) stop. b) be prepared to stop. c) go. 6) What does this sign mean? a) Roadwork ahead warning b) Slippery road surface ahead 7) During your ride,.... a) use both hands for control and braking. b) park your bike properly. 8) Always ... a) wear bright clothes so drivers can see you. b) stop,look and cross the road. 9) If you feel drowsy,... a) continue driving until you reach your destination. b) pull over and take a nap. 10) Choose the correct answer. a) Fasten your seatbelt while driving. b) Loosen your seatbelt while driving.





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