1) To write the text about all my pet, we first complete the chart o answered question? a) Chart b) Answered question 2) All the pets mentioned in the presentations are dogs? a) Yes b) No 3) Can you mention some adjectives that we used to describe our pets? a) Funny, cute b) Ugly, Messy c) Smart, Cute d) Playful and curious 4) To write our writting, we made a drafting or a graphic organizer a) Drafting b) Graphic organizer 5) Can you mention how many works are in the presentation? a) 5 b) 3 c) 8 d) 4 e) 2 f) 6 6) How many steps were in the presentation? a) 3 b) 6 c) 4 d) 2 e) 1 f) 5 7) Would you like to have a pet? a) Yes b) No

All about my pet






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