a musical film - is a film with a lot of singing and dancing., an action film - is about dangerous and exciting situations., a comedy - is a funny film that makes you laugh., a science fiction film - is about life in the future, robots and space travel., a cartoon film - is a film using drawings, not real people., a horror film - is about scary things like vampires, monsters and ghosts., a historical drama - is about real events and famous people., western - is a film where cowboys ride horses and use guns all the time, fantasy - uses magic, supernatural elements, exotic fantasy worlds., romantic comedy - is a love story that ends happily., sitcom - is a series that uses the same characters and the same places and puts them into funny situations. , soap opera - is a TV series which shows the everyday lives of the characters in a sentimental, melodramatic way., thriller - is an exciting movie, often about solving a crime. , documentary - authentic settings, real time, real sound, no actors or acting, but actual people or animals.,





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