1) enjoy a) playing b) to play 2) want a) to eat b) eating 3) stop (przestać) a) smoking b) to smoke 4) stop (zatrzymać się) a) to drink coffee b) drinking coffee 5) plan a) to go b) going 6) don't mind a) to open a window b) opening a window 7) decide a) to move out b) moving out 8) would like a) to sing b) singing 9) spend more time a) sleeping b) to sleep 10) agree a) to help b) helping 11) suggest a) to practise b) practising 12) looking forward a) to meeting b) to meet 13) hope a) relaxing b) to relax 14) refuse a) coming b) to come 15) be keen on a) to swim b) swimming 16) can't stand a) to work b) working 17) offer a) to buy b) buying

Gerund or infinitive U1 Password Reset A2/B1+





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