How big is your family?, Who do you live with?, How important to you is your extended family?, Who do you take after?, What do you look like?, Do you think looks matter a lot?, What clothes do you like wearing?, What kind of person are you?, Have you got your father's or mother's personality?, What is your picture of an ideal husband/wife -- mother/father like?, Are you in close contact with those members of your immediate family who don't live with you?, How can you prove your identity?, What data can be seen on your identity card?, What happens if you lose your ID?, What schools did you attend as a child?, Did/do you do well at school?, Where did you continue your studies after leaving primary school?, Did/do you enjoy being a student? Why? Why not?, What is/was the teacher--student relationship in your school like?, Which are/were your favourite subjects? Why?, Which are the subjects you don't/ didn't like? Why?, What are some of the out-of-school activities you are/were involved in?, What are your plans for the future?, Do you get up as soon as you wake up?, Do you ever oversleep?, What do you do first when you get up?, What do you do before breakfast?, Who gets breakfast ready?, What do you usually have for breakfast?, How do you go to school/work?, How many hours do you work a day?, Where do you have lunch?, When do you go home?, How do you spend the afternoons?, How do you share the housework in your family?, What jobs should be done every day/at least once a week?, Is the mother's place in the home?, Should housewives be paid in the same way as other people are?, How many jobs are mothers responsible for?, Can a woman fulfil the duty of a wife, mother and a career woman?, Who wears the trousers in your family?, What jobs are husbands typically responsible for?, Who can stay at home on child care leave?, Is it worth staying at home until the child is three years old?, How do you spend the evenings at home?, In what way is your daily routine different at the weekends?, Would you like to make any changes in your lifestyle or are you happy with the way of life you are leading?.


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