1) Choose the correct sentence a) The dogs wasn’t whistling. It was barking b) The dogs weren’t whistling. They was barking. c) The dogs weren’t whistling. They were barking. 2) Choose the correct sentence a) The elf was walking through the forest when he saw the fairies. b) The elf walked through the forest when he was seeing the fairies. c) The elf was walking through the forest when he was seeing the fairies. 3) Choose the correct sentence a) What were the witch doing at your birthday party? b) What was the witch doing at your birthday party? c) What was the witches doing at your birthday party? 4) Choose the correct sentence a) The dogs ran away while the children were splashing in the puddle. b) The dogs run away while the children were splashing in the puddle. c) The dogs ran away while the children was splashing in the puddle. 5) Choose the correct sentence a) I was hiding behind a tree when I saw bigfoot. b) I was hiding behind a tree when I was seeing bigfoot. c) I’m hiding behind a tree when I saw bigfoot. 6) Choose the correct sentence a) What were you doing when you saw the ogre? b) What were you doing while you saw the ogre? c) What did you doing while you saw the ogre? 7) Choose the correct sentence a) The king wasn’t looking where he was going and he was tripping over the dwarf! b) The king wasn’t looking where he was going and he tripped over the dwarf! c) The king wasn’t looking where he was going and he was tripped over the dwarf! 8) Choose the correct sentence a) When the witches slept, the trolls were stealing their cauldron! b) While the witches were sleeping, the trolls steal their cauldron! c) While the witches were sleeping, the trolls stole their cauldron!





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