Thanksgiving Day is every fourth ____ in November. It remembers the first settlers - Pilgrim Fathers who came in ____. The whole family gathers ____ and enjoys a traditional dinner - roast ____, apple or pumpkin ____. They speak about the things for which they are thankful. This is the day of gifts, charitites and food for ____ people. The legendary pilgrims crossed the Atlantic in 1620 on ____ The pilgrims reached ____ rock on December 11th 1620.. Nearly 46 pilgrims died due to extreme cold in ____. However, in the spring of 1621, Squanto, a native ____ taught the pilgrims to survive by growing food. In the summer of 1621, owing to severe ____, pilgrims called for a day of fasting and prayer to please God and ask for a bountiful harvest in the coming season. ____ answered their prayers and it rained at the end of the day. It saved the corn crops. It is said that ____ learnt to grow The ____ sisters: corn, beans and pumpkins from the Indian. On this day people ____ gratitude to God and give thanks to dear ones for their ____ and support.





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