succeeded - John _______________ in convincing his boss to give him the day off., deal/cope - He doesn’t________________with crisis situations very well., fulfilled - Despite his health problems, Joe_________ his ambition to play in the local football team., facing - The Johnstons are_______________financial difficulties after Mrs Johnston lost her job., achieved - Kim put a lot of work into her project and_______________excellent results., dealt - During his career as a teacher, he has___________with students from different backgrounds., operate - You have to read the instructions carefully before you ____________the photocopying machine., ran - Brett couldn't find experienced staff so he__________ his business on his own for a few months., undertake - Kate was supposed to___________the training of the new staff., managed/run - The company is _______by two people who share the responsibilities., experience - Learning to windsurf was a fantastic_____________!, experience, qualifications - To get the job you must have three years’ ____________ in telecommunications and the necessary __________, one of them is a university degree., qualities, skills - Leadership___________are required by a Prime Minister, as well as communication______.,

words easily confused 1 (7-9)





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