What’s the best – or worst – Christmas present you’ve ever received?, Describe a Christmas present you wanted badly as a kid, but never received., Name something about Christmas that most people like, but you hate (or at least dislike)., What holiday movie or special do you watch over and over again?, What was Christmas like when you were growing up?, Who is the hardest person to buy a Christmas gift for?, Name that one thing you are most grateful for this holiday season?, Share one funny/good Christmas memory., What’s your favorite – or least favorite – Christmas song?, If you could travel anywhere for Christmas, where would you go?, What’s your favorite – or least favorite – Christmas song?, What’s your least favorite item on your Christmas to-do list?, Would you rather have three feet of snow for Christmas or no snow at all?, If someone offered you a gift card to any store you wanted, which one would you choose?, What’s your favorite character from a Christmas-themed movie, book, or TV special?, What’s the best gift you’ve ever given someone?, If you were Santa Claus, what type of cookie would you want to be left out for you on Christmas Eve?, Name three words that best describe Christmas for you., Would you rather build a snowman, go sledding, have a snowball fight, or stay inside drinking hot cocoa?, The true meaning of Christmas is [fill in the blank], What´s is the typical Christmas dish in your home/ country?, Describe a funny Christmas card you have given or received., Is there any Christmas tradition in your home/country?, On what day do you open your Christmas gifts?, On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you LOVE Christmas? And why?.

Christmas GAME






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