Worst or best date you've been on?, If you could change the ending to a movie, what movie would it be and what would you change it to?, Who's your celebrity crush?, Favorite meme?, What's something on your bucket list?, Biggest pet peeve?, Your most embarrassing moment? , Favorite rom com? If you don't watch those what is your fav show?, Favorite type of ice?, what's your party trick/hidden talent?, How would you propose to someone/want to be proposed to?, Cereal crunchy or soggy? , If you became famous what would you want to be famous for?, If you could close one fast food chain which one would you close and why?, What's something random you know a lot about? , Have you ever eaten so much of a food at once that you can't stand it anymore? , If a movie was made of your life, who would play you? , If you watch friends, which character is more like you? , Cats or Dogs? Why? , If you were famous, would you go undercover in public or want the attention? , If you could have dinner with any celebrity (dead or alive), who would it be and why? , Basketball or football? Why?, If you had to live in another time period, what would you choose?, If you could eat at one restaurant for the rest of your life, what would it be?, What do you like about BYU-I? , If one animal was the size of an elephant, which would be the scariest? , Favorite childhood TV show?, Do you have a cartoon or celebrity look alike? , Biggest kitchen fail?, If a giraffe had to dress up for work, do you think they would put their tie on the top of their neck or the base of it? .

Funny ice breaker questions






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