1) It is important to determine what kind of qualifications the author of the online content has to determine if their work is reliable or trustworthy. a) True b) False 2) Fill in the blank: When using a resource from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram you need to determine the _________________ creator and copyright holder to properly cite the content. a) sister's b) brother's c) original d) friend's 3) When using online content it is important to determine when it was: a) written b) published c) updated d) all of the above 4) When you are evaluating the content, it is important to ask yourself the intent of the content. Is the content trying to... a) advertise b) persuade c) inform d) all of the above 5) It doesn't really matter if a website is well-designed and maintained or not when determining the credibility of the content. a) True  b) False

Video Check for Understanding: So You Found Something on the Web





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