1) What sort of internet connection do you have? How reliable is it? 2) How many hours a day or a week do you spend on the net when you are not working? 3) Do you use Google Maps to plan a route? Is it easy to follow? Which app do you prefer? 4) How much spam do you receive in a week? Have you ever answered a spam e-mail? 5) Have you ever caught a virus over the internet? What happened? 6) Do you have many passwords? Do you have any tricks for remembering them? 7) Do you download films or music from the internet? What do you think of the morality of this? 8) Do you think that some businesses, such as travel agents, could be completely replaced by the net? Which kind of businesses? 9) Do you think internet shopping is secure? What precautions can/do you take? 10) Do you have an account on Facebook or or other social network? How often do you look at it? How much personal information do you include? 11) Do you use Twitter? Instagram? Tumblr? Can you explain what they are for? 12) Do you often look at Youtube? What sort of things do you look at? Have you ever uploaded any content? 13) Have you ever used eBay? Was it efficient? 14) What do you understand by the phrase "on-line bullying"? Is there a solution?

the Internet






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