1) Someone that treats sick people is a: a) singer b) firefighter c) doctor 2) A "pilot" is a person that: a) flies an airplane b) works in a bank c) teach students 3) "Wang is a ________ astronaut" a) sad b) angry c) famous 4) Someone that makes people laugh a lot is: a) polite b) funny c) shy 5) "Ed has many friends, and he's always making new ones, he's very ________" a) friendly b) lazy c) sad 6) Someone that is always helping and worrying about others is very: a) funny b) helpful c) alone 7) Someone that doesn't talk a lot is: a) talkative b) quiet c) creative 8) "Only __________ people can work in extreme jobs" a) adventurous b) angry c) sad 9) Past of "SEE" a) saw b) seed c) seeing 10) Past of "DRINK" a) drinks b) drank c) drinked 11) Past of "HAVE" a) had b) haved c) having 12) Past of "GO" a) goed b) going c) went 13) Change to negative: "Mom worked in the garden yesterday" a) Mom didn't worked in the garden yesterday. b) Mom didn't work in the garden yesterday. c) Mom don't works in the garden yesterday. 14) Change to future: "John drives to work" a) John will drives to work. b) John will drove to work. c) John will drive to work. 15) Change to question: "Tom and Sally played games" a) Did Tom and Sally played games? b) Did Tom and Sally play games? c) Do Tom and Sally played games? 16) "America was discovered _____ 1492" a) on b) in c) for 17) "Tom didn't do his homework ___ Tuesday" a) on b) in c) to 18) "Anna visited her brother in Argentina 10 years ___" a) in b) ago c) on 19) Choose the correct adjective: "The concert last night was ________" a) amazing b) amazed c) amazes 20) Choose the correct adjective: "We were very ________ when we heard the news" a) shocks b) shocking c) shocked 21) Change to negative: "I will go to the store to buy milk" a) I won't go to the store to buy milk b) I won't went to the store to buy milk. c) I going to the store to buy milk. 22) Choose the correct form of the verb: "Paula _________ a song at the moment" a) is singing b) singed c) are singing 23) Choose the correct form of the verb: "Tom _________ football every Saturday" a) playing b) playeds c) plays 24) Change to question: "Samantha and Ed will cook pasta next week" a) Will cooked pasta next week! b) Will Samantha and Ed cook pasta next week? c) Mom cooks will paste next week? 25) Choose the correct adjective: " I was so ________ I almost fell asleep" a) bored b) boring c) bore 26) "Daniel worked in that factory from 1999 ___ 2010" a) on b) to c) for 27) Change this sentence to the past "Mary _____ (want) to work yesterday but she _____ (get) sick" a) wanted / got b) wants / got c) wanted / gets 28) Change to negative: "I watched a movie yesterday" a) I didn't watched a movie yeserday. b) I didn't watch a movie yeserday. c) I don't watches a movie yeserday. 29) "She was born ___ July 20th, 2001" a) in b) from c) on 30) "Kevin likes being a firefighter, but he says it's very ___________" a) popular b) dangerous c) shy







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