worthwhile - being worth the time, money, effort spent doing it, priviledged - having advantages that others don’t have, affection - love and feelings of fondness, slum - an area with very poor living conditions and poor housing, appalling - terrible, shocking, volunteer group - an organised group of people who work for free to help others, hygiene - the practice of cleanliness, literacy - the ability to read, makeshift schools - a temporary, poor quality school made with whatever materials/resources are available, wealthy - rich, having lots of money, broken home - a family where the parents have split up, to beg - to ask for food or money from people, to shine shoes - to polish people’s shoes for money, nerve-racking - making you nervous, anxious or scared, to turn up - to arrive, usually unexpectedly, eager - enthusiastic about, destitution - the state of having no money or possessions, shack - a flimsy hut, to leak - to drip water, reputation - the opinion held by others of sb/sth, host family - a family that a visiting student stays with, usually arranged by an organisation, to adopt - to make sb part of your family, unofficial - not authorised or approved by a recognised authority, eye-opening - surprising, to miss out - to lose the opportunity to do sth,

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