thunder & lightning - What is the weather like in Act 1.1 ?, People believed that witches could control the weather & especially the winds. - Why is the weather always bad when the witches are on stage?, Macbeth & Banquo - Who receives prophecies in Act 1.3?, '-that shalt be King hereafter! - What was Macbeth's 3rd prophecy?, 'Thou shalt get kings,' - What was Banquo's 3rd prophecy?, Act 1 scene 5 - Which act and scene does Lady Macbeth first appear on stage?, 'We will establish our estate upon Our Eldest, Malcolm:' - Who does Duncan name as his heir in Act 1.4?, It's Macbeth first thinking about committing regicide.  - What does this mean: 'Stars, hide your fires!/Let not light see my black and deep desires!', Duncan talking about Macbeth in 1.4 - Who says: 'It is a peerless kinsman.'? And who are they referring to?, She fears Macbeth is too good and noble a person to kill Duncan. - What does Lady Macbeth mean: 'thy nature./It is too full o' the milk of human kindness', This would terrify them as they would be frightened of evil spirits. of - What effect does this have on the audience? 'Come, you spiritis/...unsex me here!', deception - What theme is touched on: 'look like the innocent flower/But be the serpent under't.', the theme of deception - 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair.' What is this an example of?,

Macbeth plot revision Act 1 scenes 1-5 quiz





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