Arreglar mi dormitorio - to tidy my room, Barrer el suelo - to sweep the floor, Cocinar - to cook, Cortar el césped - to cut the grass, Dar de comer a las mascotas - to feed the pets, Hacer la cama - to make the bed, Lavar la ropa - to wash the clothes, Lavar los platos - to wash the plates, Limpiar la casa - to clean the house, Llenar el lavavajillas - to fill the dishwasher, Pasar la aspiradora - to hoover, Pasear al perro - to walk the dog, Planchar la ropa - to iron the clothes, Poner la mesa - to set the table, Quitar la mesa - to clear the table, Tirar la basura - to take out the rubbish, Vaciar el lavavajillas - to empty the dishwasher,

Las Tareas Domésticas





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