bride - a woman who is getting married, groom - a man who is getting married, feel nervous - when you are stressed or upset, get engaged - when a man proposes to a woman, get married - when a woman and a man make their relationship official, go to your school prom - to attend a school party at the end of secondary school, retire - to stop working when you're 60 or 65, housewarming party - a kind of party you have when you moved into a new house, wear a suit - when men want to look elegant, they..., move house - to change your address, move out - to leave your house/flat, move in - to start leaving in a new house/flat, reception - a party after the wedding, start a family - to get into a relationship, have children, start a new job - to change work, start a new school - when you graduate one school, you..., take your driving test - to have an exam which allows you to drive a car, pass your driving test - to have a good result in a kind of the test, fail your driving test - to have a bad result in a kind of the test, unpack - to take out your clothes from the backpack and put them away in your wardrobe,

Człowiek - life stages





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