1) Srila RaghunathDas Goswami was born in the year _________ in ___________ a) 1595, East Bengal b) 1495, West Bengal c) 1400, Orissa 2) He studied the Vedas from his family guru a) Advaita Acharya b) Sr Acharya c) Balaram Acharya 3) Haridas Takur would tell him all about Lord a) Sri Acharya b) Chaitanya Mahaprabhu c) Advaita Acharya 4) Balaram Acharya would take Raghunatha Das to see a) Haridas Thakur b) Caitanya Mahaprabhu c) Advaita Acharya 5) As he listened to many stories about Lord Chaitanya, his ______________developed a) anger b) devotion c) hatred 6) Srila RaghunathDas Goswami is the dear maidservant of Srimati Radhika named a) Rupa Manjari b) Rasa Manjari c) Raga Manjari 7) When 15yrs old, Raghunatha went from home to meet Lord Chaitanya in  a) Shantipur b) Mayapur c) Ekachakra 8) Transcendental attributes of Raghunatha dasa a) chanting the Hare Krsna mahamantra 22 hours daily b) He ate and slept very little c) never allowed his tongue to enjoy sense gratification d) never touched opulent clothing e) All of the above 9) At Vrindavan, for three hours a day on the banks of Radha-kunda he spoke about a) Lord Siva b) Sri Nityananda Prabhu c) Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu 10) Once, Lord Nityananda with hundreds of harinam sankirtan devotees, came to the village of a) Panihati b) Ekachakra c) Nilachala 11) Hearing the news, Raghunatha Das asked his father’s permission to visit a) Advaita Acharya b) Lord Chaitanya c) Lord Nityananda 12) As a punishment, Lord Nityananda ordered him to arrange a grand festival for all _________ assembled there. a) the poor  b) the swamijis c) the devotees 13) On the order of ________ the servant brought Raghunath das in front of _________ a) Lord Siva b) Lord Nityananda, c) Lord Chaitanya 14) When Raghunatha Das arrived at Panihati, he  a) saw the beautiful form of Lord Nityananda b) Awe-struck at the magnificent sight c) humbly offered his obeisance from a distance d) All of the above 15) Raghunatha Das bought huge quantities of a) chipped rice, b) yoghurt, milk, c) bananas d) sugar e) various other ingredients f) All of the above 16) _____________placed seven large pots with the chipped rice in front of Nityananda prabhu a) Raghunatha Bhatta b) Rupa Goswami c) Raghunath das 17) Two earthen pots with the two kinds of ___________ was given to each of the devotees present there a) mangoes b) chipped rice c) biryani 18) Nityananda prabhu made _________________ also appear there for the festival, a) Lord Krishna b) Sri Advaita Acharya c) Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu 19) After being fully satisfied with Raghunatha Das’s offering of chipped rice, he was offered a a) fragrant garland and sandal wood paste b) bettle nuts c) banana milkshake 20) Those who follow this imperishable path of _______________ are very, very dear to Me a) devotional service b) who completely engage themselves with faith c) making Me the supreme goal d) all of the above 21) Srila Vishvanath Chakravarti Takur’s worshippable Lord a) Radha Govinda b) Radha Gokulanand  c) Radha Gopinath 22) Radha Gokulananda temple was constructed by a) Srila Viswanatha Chakravarti Thakura b) Sanatana Goswami c) Lokanath Goswami 23) Lokanath Goswami was spellbound to unveil the beautiful form of  a) Radha Govinda b) Radha Gopinatha c) Sri Radha Vinodha 24) Deities in Radha Gokulanana temple a) Caitanya Mahaprabhu b) Sri Radha Vijaya Govinda c) Govardhan shila d) Radha Gokulanana e) All of the above

Six Goswamis_Srila RaghunathDas Goswami






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