1) Plants have a) roots, stems and leaves b) Just leaves c) stem and roots 2) Part of a plant that is underground a) roots b) leaves c) stem 3) This part of the plant is above the ground a) leaves b) stem c) roots 4) Stems can be ... a) hard and soft b) leaves grow from the stem 5) Those are the green parts of plants a) roots b) leaves 6) Examples of different leaf shapes a) palmate, serrated and lobed b) large, small and curve 7) Plants absorb water and minerals from the soil. This makes a mixture called ... a) sunlight b) sap c) soil 8) We classify plants into three groups depending on their stems a) oak tree, pine and olive b) trees, bushes and grasses c) sloe, rosemary and broom 9) Plants make their own food. a) True b) False 10) Plants that lose their leaves in autumm are called deciduous. a) False b) True





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