瘦 - thin, 其实 - in fact, 疼 - hurt, painful, 腿 - legs, 脚 - foot, feet , 课 - class, 楼 - building, floor, 经理 - manager, 秘书 - secretary, 南方 - south, 拿 - to take, to get, 带 - to bring , 啊 - ah, 跟 - with, and , 搬 - to move, to carry, 一直 - always, 怎么 - why (suprise), 过去 - go there, 时候 - moment, 最 - most(superative), 累 - tired, 难 - difficult, 饭馆 - restaurant, 纸 - paper, 睡觉 - to sleep, 把 - the measure word of umbrella, 胖 - fat ,

HSK 3 第一课和第二课





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