1) If I .... (have) a car, I .... (drive) to work. 2) She.... (be) terrified if she .... (see) a tarantula. 3) If I .... (be) you, I ... (go) to the doctor. 4) They... (buy) a house if they... (win) the lottery. 5) If I .... (can fly), I .... (go) to the moon. 6) What..... you... (do) if you... (see) a shark? 7) If she.... (not go) to school, she.... (not know) English. 8) If I .... (have) a superpower, I... (move) objects with my mind. 9) If we .... (not be) in the class now, I.... (watch) tv. 10) If I.... (not live) in Argentina, I... (live) in London. 11) If she .... (buy) a lion, she... (call) him Lionel. 12) If they ... (study) French, they... (go) to Paris. 13) If cars... (not exist), we... (travel) by spaceships. 14) If we... (read) minds, we ... (not need) to talk. 15) If I... (live) in Japan, I ... (not speak) in English.

Second conditional






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