1) What groups of foods do we need for growth and repair? a) carbohydrate b) fats c) minerals d) proteins 2) What two groups of foods do we need for energy? a) carbohydrate b) fats c) protein d) vitamins 3) What two things do fats give us? a) insulation b) growth c) store of energy d) regular bowels 4) What vitamin do we need to prevent scurvy? a) D b) C c) B d) A 5) What vitamin do we need for healthy development of bones and stop us getting rickets? a) A b) B c) C d) D 6) What is the important vitamin we need for our nerves? a) A b) B c) C d) D 7) What do we need for our eyesight? a) A b) B c) C d) D 8) What two foods do we have to eat to get our carbohydrates? a) meat b) pasta c) rice d) fruit 9) What food do we have to eat to get our fibre? a) pasta b) rice c) nuts d) meat 10) What foods do we eat to get our vitamin C? a) meat b) lemons and limes c) dairy d) bread 11) What two foods do we have to eat for vitamin A? a) fruit b) carrots c) liver d) dairy 12) What food do we eat for vitamin D? a) meat b) dairy c) sprouts d) carrots 13) Which of these is a good source of iron? a) red meat b) vegetables c) fruit d) dairy 14) Which of these is a good source of calcium? a) fruit b) vegetables c) dairy d) chicken 15) What do we need phosphorus for? a) healthy bones b) blood c) skin d) eyes 16) What do we need zinc for? a) bones b) eyesight c) teeth d) sperm count 17) Which of these statements is true? a) saturated fats come from plants and clog up blood vessels b) unsaturated fats come from animals and do not block up blood vessels c) unsaturated fats come from plants and block up blood vessels d) unsaturated fats come from plants and do not block up blood vessels 18) Which of these statements are true? a) Salt causes high blood pressure and unsaturated fats turn ionto cholesterol b) Salt causes high blood pressure and saturated fats are turned into cholesterol c) Sugar causes high blood pressure and salt causes diabetes d) Too much sugar makes your blood vessels block up. 19) Which of these does fibre not do? a) lowers cholesterol b) prevents constipation c) stops you getting spotty and irritable d) absorbs poisons 20) Flavourings do ....... a) stops food going bad b) enhance flavour c) makes food taste nicer d) makes food sweeter 21) What does starch do? a) sweetens food b) preserves food c) thickens food d) makes it more colourful 22) Antioxidants stop food going bad with... a) carbon dioxide b) nitrogen c) hydrogen d) oxygen 23) To turn milk into yoghurt we need? a) 60 degrees C b) 40 degrees C and bacteria c) 20 degrees C and fungi 24) What does milk become before it is cheese? a) yoghurt b) whey c) curd d) stale 25) What gas is made when we make beer or wine? a) methane b) carbon dioxide c) oxygen d) hydrogen 26) At what temperature do we have to leave the dough for so the yeast works BEFORE putting it in the oven (degrees C) a) 60 b) 40 c) 80 d) 20 27) What does yeast use to respire when making bread? a) flour b) water c) salt d) sugar 28) What is a risky food for E.coli? a) chicken b) undercooked meat c) vegetables d) fruit 29) Which TWO things might you get salmonella from? a) raw eggs & chicken b) cheese & milk c) milk & potatoes d) rice & cheese

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