1) What’s your favourite summer memory? 2) What are the three best things about summer? 3) What do you do in summer that you don’t do the rest of the year? Do you change your habits? 4) Are you able to switch off and relax on holiday, or do you take your work with you? 5) A Swedish proverb says: "A life without love is like a year without summer." What do you think of this quote? 6) Do you prefer to stay in your own country or go abroad? Why? 7) Do you like to eat or drink anything in summer to help you cool down? What is it? 8) Have you ever had any disasters on holiday? What went wrong? 9) What special events happen in your town / country in summer (e.g. cultural or sporting)? Do you usually attend / take part?What adjectives would you use to describe summer? 10) What effect does summer have on your…a) mood, b) attitude, c) health, d) motivation, e) weight, 11) Do you like to camp? Could you survive “in the wild” for two weeks without access to a cashpoint, shops, and restaurants? How would you cope if you got lost without a mobile phone?

Summer questions





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