1) He ... a fireman. a) be b) is c) are 2) She ... in a bank. a) work b) does work c) works 3) Where ... you come from? a) are b) to c) do 4) I go home ... foot. a) on b) by c) to 5) ... do you go with? a) Where b) Who c) When 6) They ... smoke. a) don't b) aren't c) doesn't 7) An architect ... buildings. a) writes b) delivers c) designs 8) There ... a lot of books. a) are b) is c) don't 9) 10.45. It's quarter ... eleven. a) past b) to c) half 10) It often ... in autumn. a) snows b) rain c) rains

โดย ไม่ระบุชื่อ





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