Julia is very ______; everyone always laughs when she tells stories. - funny, My dad is really ________; he always does his best in the hospital where he works. - hard-working, I'm very _________; I always want to be the best and win. - ambitious, My mum is really _________; she has hundreds of friends! - sociable, He is _________; one minute he's happy and the other he's sad. - moody, Sophie is a very _______ person; She feels sure she knows a lot. - self-confident, You're really _________; you always arrive on time. - punctual, My little brother never stops talking! He's really _______. - talkative, My grandma is ________ ; she never spends too much money and she never buys me presents! - mean, Sharing a room with my sister is a disaster! She leaves her clothes everywhere and throws litter on the floor. She's so _______! - messy, Peter puts his feet on the desk during lessons and often talks back to the teacher. He's really ______! - rude, Our cousin is so __________ ! He keeps on bragging about having the best toys, gadgets, and being the cleverest boy in the world. - big-headed, My best friend is ___________ , I can always count on him. - reliable, My parents are very ________, they always help poor people and stray dogs. - kind, My older brother is really _______! He once saved a girl from a burning house. - brave,





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