1) What does Win Win mean? a) Outcomes occur when each side of a dispute feels they have won. b) Situations result when only one side perceives the outcome as positive c) means that all parties end up being worse off 2) Which 'N' is one of the key words when trying to create a Win Win situation. a) Nice b) Negotiation c) Nightmare d) News e) National 3) What country is St. Nicholas originally from? a) Lapland b) North Pole c) Holland d) Turkey 4) What questions should you ask yourself in terms of goals (choose 2 of the following)? a) How can I create a Win/Lose situation in favour of myself? b) What do you want to get out of the negotiation? c) What do you think the other person wants? d) What shall I cook for dinner tonight? 5) How many sides does a snowflake have? a) 12 b) 10 c) 8 d) 6 6) What questions should you ask yourself in terms of relationships? (choose 2 of the following) a) When is the right time to pop the question? b) Will there be any hidden issues that may influence the situation? c) Which wine should be chosen to accompany dinner? d) What is the history of the realtionship? 7) In the song 'We wish you a Merry Christmas' what pudding was asked for? a) Figgy pudding b) Sticky toffee puding c) Mince pie d) Plum pudding 8) What colour berries can be found on a sprig of mistletoe? a) Blue b) White c) Red d) Green 9) When trying to create 'Win Win' situations, what are we trying to avoid? a) Compromise b) Success c) Peace d) Conflict 10) Who was the author of "A Christmas Carol"? a) Charles Dickens b) Enid Blyton c) C S Lewis d) Hans Christian Anderson

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