1) Showing you think something is funny. a) frightned b) fascinated c) annoyed d) afraid e) amused f) embarassed 2) a little angry a) annoyed b) shcocked c) embarassed d) disappointed e) surprised f) amused 3) sad because something wasn't as good as you expected a) disappointed b) afraid c) fascinated d) annoyed e) amused f) embarassed 4) red-faced and worried what others will think of you a) amused b) shocked c) embarassed d) surprised e) fascinated f) disappointed 5) very interested a) embarassed b) shocked c) fascinated d) amused e) disappointed 6) afraid a) disappointed b) frightened c) amused d) shocked e) embarassed 7) very surprised, usually in a bad way a) embarassed b) frightened c) shocked d) disappointed 8) happy because something you didn't expect happened a) disappointed b) shocked c) surprised d) embarassed

Adjectives- ed and ing






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