1) To which situation is counting techniques applicable? a) Linda wants to know how many codes she can make for her padlock. b) Rissa wants to jog around the playground together with her coach. c) Mario wants to finish his assignment in his three subjects. d) Luis wants to paint his basket in three ways. 2) In how many ways can one choose a crust and topping for a pizza order from two choices of crust and three choices of toppings? a) 6 b) 5 c) 4 d) 3 3) In how many ways can the letters of the word MATH be arranged? a) 4 b) 12 c) 24 d) 48 4) Which one is equivalent to 5!? a) 5 x 1 b) 5 x 4 x 2 c) 5 x 4 d) 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 5) Which expression is equivalent to 4P4? a) 4 x 4 b) 4 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 c) 3 x 4 d) 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 6) Which expression gives the number of ways of arranging five different books in a shelf? a) (5 – 1)! b) 5! c) 5 × 4 d) 5 × 5 7) Evaluate 8P3 a) 120 b) 336 c) 520 d) 5040 8) A new model of a car is available in five exterior colors, four interior colors, and two interior styles. How many versions of car are available for order? a) 20 b) 40 c) 80 d) 120 9) Three university scholars will arrange themselves in a row for picture taking. How many different arrangements in a row can be formed by them? a) 3 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 10) Find the number of different arrangements of the letters of the word HONESTY if all seven letters are used? a) 300 b) 360 c) 3600 d) 5040 11) Find the number of different arrangements of the letters of the word HONESTY if all only two letters are taken at a time?? a) 30 b) 42 c) 64 d) 80 12) Find the number of different arrangements of the letters of the word HONESTY if all only four letters are taken at a time?? a) 360 b) 840 c) 1,260 d) 2,520 13) There are five boys and four girls to sit in a row. How many possible arrangements are there if the first seat is reserved for a boy? a) 2,880 b) 10,080 c) 60,480 d) 201,600 14) There are five boys and four girls to sit in a row. How many possible arrangements are there if the first and last seat are for girls? a) 2880 b) 10080 c) 60480 d) 201600 15) There are five boys and four girls to sit in a row. How many possible arrangements are there if the boys and girls sir alternately? a) 2880 b) 10080 c) 40320 d) 420240 16) Which concept is involved when the letters of the word “LOVE” taken 4 at a time equals 24? a) Combination b) Fundamental Counting Principle c) Permutation d) Probability 17) In how many ways can the letters of the word “SWIMMING” be arranged? a) 10,800 b) 10,080 c) 1,860 d) 1,680 18) Simplify 6! a) 100 b) 110 c) 720 d) 130 19) How many six-digit numbers can be made using the digits 9, 4, 4, 3, 4, and 9? a) 720 b) 360 c) 120 d) 60 20) How many four-digit numbers without repetition can be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4? a) 24 b) 36 c) 72 d) 90 21) How many different ten-digit numerals can be written using the digits 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, and 9? a) 226 b) 2,268 c) 22,860 d) 226,800 22) Find the number of distinguishable permutations of the letters of the word “PANAGBENGA”. a) 3,628,800 b) 518,400 c) 302,400 d) 151,200 23) Simplify 8!/5! a) 16 b) 42 c) 120 d) 336 24) In how many ways can nine people be seated around a circular table? a) 362,880 b) 40,320 c) 5,040 d) 720 25) How many ways can 12 people be seated around a circular table if two insist to sit next to each other? a) 7,257,600 b) 3,628,800 c) 725,760 d) 362,800 26) Five different keys are to be placed on a circular key chain. How many different arrangements are there? a) 4 b) 5 c) 12 d) 24 27) Seven different beads will be put together to form a bracelet with a lock. How many ways can the beads be arranged? a) 5,040 b) 2,520 c) 720 d) 360 28) How many ways can eight unique beads be arranged on a circular chain? a) 40,320 b) 20,160 c) 5,040 d) 2,520 29) In how many ways can six people be seated in a round table? a) 24 b) 120 c) 720 d) 5,040 30) Ten people are to be seated around a table. How many arrangements are possible? a) 479,001,600 b) 39,916,800 c) 3,628,800 d) 362,880

Pre-Test in Mathematics Grade 10





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