Choose 1 incorrect collocation LOOK - for a book/at him/about them - about them, Choose 1 incorrect collocation MOVE - to Belarus/house/work - work, Choose 1 incorrect collocation WAIT - for a friend/for a chance/a train - a train, Choose 1 incorrect collocation DREAM - with a job/about a job/a lot - with a job, Choose an odd word SWIM IN - a lake/a glacier/a river - a glacier, Choose an odd word PAY BY - credit card/bill/cash - bill, Choose an odd word MAMMALS - a bear/a camel/a tortoise - a tortoise , Choose an odd word RECEIVE - a message / a worker / a present - a worker, Choose an odd word FOLLOW - a blog / a celebrity / a school - a school, Find the right verb to match the words ... money/time abroad/time in prison - spend, Find the right verb to match the words … your web page / system / the info on the web-site - update, Explain the words 1) a note 2) a geographical feature 3) a tropical rainforest - 1) paper money 2) geographical characteristic 3) a forest with no dry seasons, Explain the words 1) Faulty equipment 2) A public transport delay 3) Get stuck in a traffic jam - 1) equipment which has defects 2) the fact that your transport comes later 3) when you can't move along the road in your car because of the cars in front of you, Explain the words 1) a stationery shop 2) to tip smb 3) a mountain range - 1) a shop for buying pens, pencils and so on 2) to give extra money for good service 3)a chan of mountains , Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions 1) invest … a business 2)take … much space 3)give … a job - 1) in 2) up 3) up, Fill in the gaps with the right prepositions 1) think … a change 2)give … money 3) get … from routine - 1) about 2) back 3) away, Complete the sentence with the right word (the 1st letter is given) I am a cashier and I work in a department s… - a department store, Complete the sentence with the right word (the 1st letter is given) Sometimes I do some window s… - window shopping, Complete the sentence with the right word (the 1st letter is given) Everyone who likes nature will enjoy fantastic s… in my country. - fantastic scenery, Complete the sentence with the right word (the 1st letter is given) I used to spend more time o… in the fresh air when I was a kid. - spend time outdoors, Complete the sentence with the right word (the 1st letter is given) Alexander Graham Bell is the i______ of the phone. - inventor, Which word ISN’T used to describe ‘a city’? 1) polluted 2) speeding 3) crowded 4) safe - speeding, Which word doesn’t describe ‘CRIME’? 1)Shoplifter 2) Fraud 3) Theft 4) Litter - litter, Choose the word which means ‘extremely surprised’ 1) Bored 2) Nervous 3) Amazed  4) Excited - amazed, Which vocabulary DOESN’T refer to the topic ‘INTERNET’ 1) Search engine 2) Use social networking sites 3) 4) Community service 5) Share a link - community service,

SO A2 + Revision. Vocabulary (Units 7-12)


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