What’s the difference between reading the news in the newspaper and watching it on TV?, Are you happier doing mental or physical work?, Do you prefer working or studying on your own or with other people?, How do you imagine your life ten years from now?, What sort of films do you never watch?, Would you prefer to be in a film or behind the camera?, How important do you think it is to watch films in English?, Would you rather live in the countryside or in the city?, Is it better to work hard and save money for the future or enjoy life day by day?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology?, What is the greatest scientific breakthrough of all times?, Narrate an event that changed your life in a positive or negative way., What kind of art do you like?, Can clothing tell you much about a person?, What are the advantages and disadvantages of having uniforms at work/school?, What is the difference between clothes that young people and old people like wearing?, Do you think people have enough time for holidays these days?, What would you do if you won the lottery?, Talk about an environmental problem you particularly worry about., How important is it to you to spend time with your family?, What do you think about advertising on television; does it influence you?, Do you think young people who watch a lot of violence on TV are more likely to be violent themselves?, Do you enjoy going on excursions with a large group or do you prefer going by yourself or with a friend?, Do you think sport has an age limit, or should everyone be able to take part?, Should people try to learn things that are hard for them, or should they focus on what they are good at?, Do you think looking good is important? Why/why not?, Are blogs, instant messaging and social networking sites threatening traditional face-to-face communication?, Can you think of an example of technology that should never have been created?, What can be done to make dangerous areas in a city safer?, Do you think preserving a city’s history is important?, If you could have dinner with anyone living or dead, who would it be and why?, If you were going to live on Mars, what 5 things would you bring? Why?, If you could travel to one country in the world, where would you go? Why?, If you had three wishes, what would they be?.



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