1) What's Buenos Aires like? Describe it using three adjectives 2) When someone takes you in a car, this person is giving you a .......  3) Where do you usually hang out with friends? 4) What helps you relax? 5) What are you good at? 6) What aren't you that good at? 7) How do you like to spend your free time? 8) Have you taken part in any competitions? 9) What do you think it's a waste of time? 10) What's something you are making progress on? 11) What's your best friend like? Describe them using 5 adjectives 12) What do you like doing? What's your hobby? 13) When do you do your hobby? Who do you do it with? 14) Do you have any siblings? 15) Do you have any pets? 16) What's your sibling's name? or pet's name? 17) What would you like to study in the future? 18) What music genre do you usually listen to? 19) What do you enjoy doing at the weekend? 20) Who hates losing at games in your family? 21) Who do you travel to school with? 22) Who spends the most time reading in your family? 23) Where´s your bff now? 24) Who is the cleverest person in your family? 25) Who is the funniest person in your family? 26) Who is the oldest person in your family? 27) What are you wearing? 28) What is the person next to you wearing? 29) What´s your favourite film? Why? 30) What's your favourite series? Why? 31) Are you currently watching any series?  32) Has your brother/sister got any hobbies? 33) Do you like reading? What do you like reading? Why? 34) What would you like to do after this game? 35) What will you do tomorrow if you have a headache? 36) What would you do if you won the lottery? 37) What happens if you don't water your plants? 38) What would you ask for if you could ask for three wishes? 39) What sports have you played? 40) Have you recently been to the cinema?  41) What if you could be a character in any book? Who would you be? 42) What if your favorite video game didn’t exist? What would you do instead? 43) If you invented a robot, what would your robot do? 44) Do you believe in UFOs? 45) What's your favourite holiday? Why?

Adolescents - Jenga





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