1) It's from .... 2) What's this? 3) Reemplazar por un pronombre: Mark and I = 4) What's this? 5) It's from .... 6) What's this? 7) Tania .... my friend (+) 8) It's from ... 9) What's this? 10) Reemplazar por un pronombre: Tom and John = 11) What's this? 12) What's this? 13) move back 3 places 14) opposite of cheap 15) I ..... into pop music (-) 16) opposite of new: 17) move forward 3 places 18) what sport is it? 19) what number is it? 20) Where is it from? 21) Danny ....... into computers (-) 22) What sport is it? 23) Where is it from? 24) What club is it?  25) What number is it? 26) Where is it from? 27) what club is it? 28) move back 2 places. 29) They .... students (-) 30) Where is it from? 31) What club is it? 32) Where is it from? 33) opposite of difficult





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