1) What is the meaning of "backwardness"? a) being very advanced in terms of technology b) not being advanced c) keep very confident about a situation 2) What is the synonym of "consensus"? a) concordance b) division c) disagreement 3) What is the meaning of "monopoly"? a) there is no domination and no control over something or someone b) act freely without any obstruction or opposition c) having the total control of something like an enterprise 4) What are the synonyms of "overthrow"? a) keep-establish b) defeat-remove c) accept-hold 5) What is the meaning of "animism"? a) belief that the elements and things that are in nature (plants, animals, etc) have their own soul and they feel the different feelings b) study of the different types of animals c) belief that the universe is a surreal place with many things to investigate behind 6) What is the synonym of "commitment"? a) denial b) irresponsibility c) firm decision  7) What is the meaning of "surpassing"? a) being inferior b) go beyond what was expected or hoped for extraordinarily c) be proceeding to fail and not succeed






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